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What is Texas Politics Today?

As those of us who work around the Capitol know, it’s a close knit community. People are what make the place work and what make our experiences here meaningful.

This periodic email is intended to keep people who work in and around the Capitol informed about their colleagues — elected officials, capitol staffers, lobbyists, association people and others who work there. We’ll try to keep you up to date on who’s switched jobs, who’s signed on a big client, whose special day it is or events that may be of interest.

We won’t publish gossip or embarrassing information about individuals and we’ll leave the journalism to publications such as the Texas Tribune and the Quorum Report as well as the traditional media outlets.

This will, of course, work better if this becomes an interactive process — meaning people let me know about a job they’ve taken or the fact that they’ve got a milestone birthday coming up or they just had their first child. And I’ll need your feedback and comments to make it interesting and relevant.

If enough people are interested we’ll keep collecting information and sending it your way. You can also share this with others and encourage them to sign up if they like it.

Thanks for your consideration. ~ Jim Arnold, Arnold Public Affairs.

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